Trellance Becomes First CUDX Customer, Providing 1-Year No Cost Access to First Credit Unions to Sign Up
February 21, 2025
The Credit Union Data Exchange (CUDX), a shared data platform developed and managed by credit unions, announced today that Trellance has become its first official partner. This partnership enables CUDX to offer participating credit unions free access to the platform for one year, funded by the revenue generated through Trellance’s data sharing agreement.
CUDX’s Doug Vanderpool Updates and Demos the Credit Union Data Sharing Tool
July 24, 2024
Chief Technology Officer Doug Vanderpool joined CU broadcast on the show to provide an update on the status of CUDX, as well as a demonstration of what the interface looks like and the platform’s capabilities. Doug talked about how CUDX is a way for credit unions to securely share and access data from other credit unions, allowing them to gain access to greater insights and better power AI and machine learning models.
Thinking Forward: Top 11 Things Industry Leaders Think Credit Unions Should Watch Out for in 2024
January 25, 2024
January—‘tis the season when credit unions take a deep breath, shake off the holidays, and focus on the new year. To help set the stage, we spoke to credit union leaders and industry experts…
Trellance’s Adam Wright Shares Significance of CUDX for Credit Unions
October 15, 2023
Trellance’s Managing Director, Credit Union Data Exchange Operations Adam Wright joined us on the show to provide a quick update on CU Data Exchange (CUDX), a centralized platform that enables secure sharing and exchange of data among credit unions.
CUDX Announces Governance Board
August 22, 2023
Trellance, a leading technology partner providing innovative analytics, cloud and talent solutions to credit unions, along with the Filene Research Institute, has completed all of the necessary steps to make the Credit Union Data Exchange (CUDX) a limited cooperative association.
Collaborating To Compete With Big Banks
July 17, 2023
Calling it one of the biggest ideas to “hit the credit union space in quite some time,” Tom Davis believes now is the time for credit unions to break down walls and collaborate nationally on a data warehouse that could someday rival big banks’ resources, saying it’s critical to CU viability.
Building Better Data Today
July 14, 2023
When it comes to data, quantity is almost as important as quality. It is through the massive amount of labeled data that platforms such as ChatGPT are possible. What could credit unions achieve if they had access to that much data?
Trellance Announces Search for 100 Credit Unions to Participate in the Credit Union Data Exchange (CUDX)
June 12, 2023
Trellance, a leading technology partner providing innovative analytics, cloud and talent solutions to credit unions, in partnership with the Filene Research Institute, announces the creation of a Credit Union Data Exchange (CUDX). First introduced at the Trellance Annual Conference, held on May 16-19, 2023, the data exchange will allow credit unions to reap the benefits of a large, shared data pool.
Webinar: Introducing the Credit Union Data Exchange
June 8, 2023
Review the webinar materials from Growth Requires Innovation: Introducing the Trellance x Filene Data Exchange hosted on June 8, 2023.